Eva Professional Hair Awards

The Eva Professional Hair Awards are 3:
First prize NEW TALENT
Second prize NEW TALENT
Third prize NEW TALENT
How to participate?
Easy, practical and fast.
1. Publish your video or your photograph on your Facebook or IGTV of the work or concept that you want to present for your candidacy.
2. You can apply to one or the categories of the previous list that you prefer indistinctly.
3. Tag: @EvaProfessionalESP (for Facebook) or @evaprofessional_haircare (for Instagram).
4. Tag your distributor if this is the case.
5. Use the hashtags #EvaProfessional #EvaProfessionalHairCare #EvaProfessionalAwards #HairAwards #NewTalents and include your country.
6. It is essential to use all the hashtags correctly to enter the contest.
By participating in this contest, the participant agrees to know and comply with the conditions of the social network used for the publication of their photographs.
What are the prizes?
The 3 winners will receive the following compensation:
- Publicity in RRSS and communication media selected by the company
- Scholarship of 1,500 euros for your training that may or may not be in Maystar
- Advice and professional support for one of the Maystar Technical Directors throughout the year in force by Technical Advisor, Communication and RRSS
You can submit your work until 15/10/2022!
We will contact the winners through IG or FB.
You can download all the information here ⬇️