This legal notice (“Legal Notice”) regulates the use of the website, www.evaprofessional.com, which belongs to Eva Professional, S.L. Spanish tax ID number (CIF) B67243402, located in MANRESA, at 60 RAMON FARGUELL and registered in the BUSINESS REGISTRY of Barcelona, Volume 46486, folio 215, page B-521593, 1st inscription.
Intellectual Property of the Website’s Contents
The texts and graphic elements (photography, design, logos, etc.) that make up the website and are communicated through it, as well as their presentation and layout, are the exclusive property of Eva Professional S.L. and are protected by Spanish and Community law in the scope of intellectual property, according to Royal Decree 1/1996 dated 12 April, which approves the Consolidated Text on Intellectual Property and Act 5/1998, dated 6 March (incorporation into Spanish law by Directive 96/9/EC dated 11 March, 1996, on the Legal Protection of Databases). Reproduction, distribution, public communication or any other such activity related to its content, even when citing sources is prohibited unless permission is expressly granted in writing by Eva Professional S.L.
Web Content and Links
Eva Professional S.L. reserves the right to update, expand, change and delete the information contained on its web page, which includes the right to limit or restrict access to said information to certain users.
Availability of the Page
Eva Professional SL does not guarantee that interruptions or errors in accessing the Web Page and its Content will not occur, nor that they will be outdated, even though it will do its utmost to, in that regard, avoid, correct or update such occurrences. As a result, Eva Professional SL does not assume liability for damage or loss of any kind incurred by the User that bring about errors or disconnections in telecommunication networks resulting in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the portal’s service during the rendering of said services or beforehand.
Eva Professional SL excludes, with the exceptions foreseen by the laws in effect, any liability for the damage and loss of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality in the operation of the Web Page and its Content, by not meeting the expectation of utility that users could have attracted to the page and to the Content.
Accessing the Web Page does not imply an obligation by Eva Professional SL for controlling the absence of a virus, worms or any other malignant IT element. The User must, at all times, have the tools suitable for detecting and disinfecting malignant IT programs available, and therefore, Eva Professional SL is not to be held liable for the possible security breaches that could result while rendering the Page’s services, nor for possible damage that could be caused to the user or third parties’ hardware and software, the files or documents stored in it, as a result of the presence of a virus on the computer used by the User to connect to the services and content of the Web, of a malfunction by the browser or by using older, non-updated versions.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
In general, the relations between Eva Professional S.L. with the users of its cyber services, available on its website, are subject to Spanish law.
Eva Professional S.L. and the User, with the express waiver to other jurisdictions, submit themselves to the Judges and Courts corresponding to the address of Eva Professional, S.L. for any controversy that could result with respect to the products and services of this website.
Other Considerations
Eva Professional S.L. dispenses itself of any liability before the following situations that could occur in the relationship established with the client due to:
• E-mails sent to recipients due to information mistakes, worms or viruses on the computer.